Artikels en onderzoek

Vlaamse gezondheidsaanbevelingen 2021: sedentair gedrag, (lang stilzitten), beweging en slaap. Overzicht voor professionals en beleidsmakers.

Factsheet sedentair gedrag

Het onderzoeken en evalueren van de processen, waaronder motorische vaardigheden, die een fundamentele rol spelen in het bereiken van schoolsucces, maar die vaak buiten de focus van het onderwijsbeleid vallen, zal ons vermogen verbeteren om kinderen te ondersteunen bij het ontwikkelen van de noodzakelijke vaardigheden om succesvol te zijn op school en in hun verdere leven (Cameron et al., 2016).

Cameron, C.E., Cottone, E.A., Murrah, W.M. and Grissmer, D.W. (2016), How Are Motor Skills Linked to Children’s School Performance and Academic Achievement?. Child Dev Perspect, 10: 93-98.

Successful behavior in the classroom is complex and requires perceptual, executive functions, spatial, and motor processes that interrelate and build on each other. In this article, we have proposed scholarship that theoretically unpacks the underlying mechanisms involved in diverse motor tasks and describes more specifically how various measures map onto achievement and school performance outcomes at different points in the transition to school. Illuminating and testing questions about the processes. Including motor skills, that underlie school success but that are not in the policy spotlight will enhance our capacity to help children acquire the skills they need to do well in school and life” (Cameron et al., 2016, p. 95).

Het lijkt redelijk om reflexintegratietherapie te introduceren bij kinderen met zwakke psychomotorische vaardigheden. Het routinematig testen van primitieve reflexen kan bijdragen aan een verbeterde vroege psychomotorische ontwikkeling bij kinderen die dit nodig hebben, waardoor veel moeilijkheden voorkomen kunnen worden die kinderen in hun sociale en schoolse leven kunnen tegenkomen. (Gieysztor et al., 2016)

“It seems reasonable to introduce reflexes integration therapy in children’s with low psychomotor skills. Primitive reflexes routinely tested, can contribute to improved early psychomotor development in children with needs, thus preventing many difficulties which children can encounter within their social and school life” (Gieysztor et al., 2016, p.14).

Gieysztor EZ, Choińska AM, Paprocka-Borowicz M. Persistence of primitive reflexes and associated motor problems in healthy preschool children. Arch Med Sci. 2018 Jan;14(1):167-173. doi: 10.5114/aoms.2016.60503. Epub 2016 Jun 13. PMID: 29379547; PMCID: PMC5778413.

“ Touch is our first sense. Human foetuses sense and respond to touch within the first 8 weeks after conception, and it is likely that tactile experience in utero is crucial to constructing a sense of the body and self. Science is really just beginning to investigate how infants and children learn about their bodies through touch and movement, but research indicates that early multisensory experiences of the body, and its movements are crucial parts of typical development “ (Bremner et al., 2017, p.1)


Bremner AJ, Spence C. The Development of Tactile Perception. Adv Child Dev Behav. 2017;52:227-268. doi: 10.1016/bs.acdb.2016.12.002. Epub 2017 Feb 9. PMID: 28215286.

“De zintuiglijke waarneming van evenwicht omvat de gehele lichamelijke ervaring. Zonder dit zouden we misschien niet veel nut hebben van de andere zintuigen. We handelen niet alleen met het lichaam, we denken en voelen ook door en met het lichaam” (Fuchs et al., 2018, p. 1).


“The sense of balance encompasses the bodily experience in its entirely. Without it, we might not have much use for the other senses. Not only do we act with the body, we also think and feel through it and with it” Fuchs et al., 2018, p 1)

Fuchs D. Dancing with Gravity-Why the Sense of Balance Is (the) Fundamental. Behav Sci (Basel). 2018 Jan 5;8(1):7. doi: 10.3390/bs8010007. PMID: 29303967; PMCID: PMC5791025.

“Gecontroleerde vestibulaire stimulatie is erg belangrijk voor gezondheid en ziekte. Het kan worden gebruikt als een fysiologische behandeling voor vele neurologische aandoeningen en voor het algemene welzijn en om de cognitie te verbeteren in het algemeen bij gezondheid” (Rajagopalan, 2017).

“Controlled vestibular stimulation is very important in Health and disease. It can be used as a Physiological treatment for many Neurological disorders and for the well being and to improve cognition in general in health” Rajagopalan et al., 2017,p.1).

Rajagopalan A, Jinu KV, Sailesh KS, Mishra S, Reddy UK, Mukkadan JK. Understanding the links between vestibular and limbic systems regulating emotions. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2017 Jan-Jun;8(1):11-15. doi: 10.4103/0976-9668.198350. PMID: 28250668; PMCID: PMC5320810.

“Overgewicht is in verschillende eerdere studies in verband gebracht met slechte academische prestaties bij kinderen. Een nieuwe studie toont nu aan dat een hoog lichaamsvetpercentage geassocieerd is met slechte leesvaardigheden bij 6-8-jarige jongens. Echter, deze associaties worden grotendeels verklaard door slechte motorische vaardigheden” (Eero Et al., 2018, P. 1)

“Excess body weight has been linked to poor academic performance in children in several previous studies. A new study now shows that a high body fat percentage is associated with poor reading skills in 6-8 years- old boys. However these associations are largely explained by poor motor skills.”

Eero A. Haapala, Niina Lintu, Aino-Maija Eloranta, Taisa Venäläinen, Anna-Maija Poikkeus, Timo Ahonen, VirpiLindi & Timo A. Lakka (2018) Mediating effects of motor performance, cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour on the associations of adiposity and other cardiometabolic risk factors with academic achievement in children, Journal of Sports Sciences, 36:20, 2296-2303, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1449562

“De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie beveelt buiktijd aan voor baby’s vanwege de voordelen van verbeterde motorische ontwikkeling en verminderde kans op plagiocefalie” Lyndel et al., 2020)

“The World Health Organization recommends tummy time for infants because of the benefits of improved motor development and reduced likelihood of plagiocephaly” (Lyndel et al., 2020, p1)

Lyndel Hewitt, Erin Kerr, Rebecca M. Stanley, Anthony D. Okely; Tummy Time and Infant Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics June 2020; 145 (6): e20192168. 10.1542/peds.2019-2168

“Specific types of physical activity, total physical activity, and physical activity of at least moderate- to vigorous-intensity were consistently favourably associated with multiple health indicators. The majority of evidence was in preschool-aged children (3-4 years). Findings will inform evidence-based guidelines” (Carson et al., 2017, p.1)

Carson V, Lee E, Hewitt L, Jennings C, Hunter S, Kuzik N, et al. Systematic review of the relationships between physical activity and health indicators in the early years (0-4 years) BMC Public Health. 2017;17(S5):854. doi: 10.1186/s12889-017-4860-0. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] []

Heineman, K.R., Schendelaar, P., Van den Heuvel, E.R. and Hadders-Algra, M. (2018), Motor development in infancy is related to cognitive function at 4 years of age. Dev Med Child Neurol, 60: 1149-1155.

Flensborg-Madsen T, Mortensen EL. Infant developmental milestones and adult intelligence: A 34-year follow-up. Early Hum Dev. 2015 Jul;91(7):393-400. doi: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2015.04.006. Epub 2015 May 15. PMID: 25981493.

Sánchez-López, M, Cavero-Redondo, I, Álvarez-Bueno, C, et al. Impact of a multicomponent physical activity intervention on cognitive performance: The MOVI-KIDS study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2019; 29: 766775.

Martello, J. M. (2023). Persistent Primitive Reflex and Developmental Delay in the School-Aged Child. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 19(10), 104767-.